Full airsoft face masks for playing airsoft are essential for younger players, as its pretty obvious you need to protect your eyes but not many beginners think of protecting their teeth, if a bb pellet were to hit your teeth at close range it could crack them. And so this is the reason at most skirmish sites you go to may not let you play without full face protection. Full face masks are an essential bit of kit but sometimes if you’re running around they sometimes can get steamed up, but we do sell a de-misting spray that you can use so that your mask won't steam up. We also sell full face masks with mesh visors that its imposable for them to get steamed up. Masks with lenses do have their benefits because with mesh masks bio bbs could break on impact making it feasible for fragments to penetrate the holes, with goggles with lenses this is not possible. Also, we have masks with ear protection built in. From professional to cheap airsoft masks, we have a vast range in stock. you also may want to check out our range of airsoft helmets that also protect your head from bbs. also see our airsoft mask buying guide.