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A host of new gun videos on our you tube

Posted by jon on

hi sorry it been so long but i just wanted to tell you if did not already know we uploaded quite a few new bb guns video reviews to our you tube channel last week.

if you are not a subscriber already we suggest subscribing and start getting doms latest videos direct to your you tube account we have over 10,000 happy subscribers and over 1.6 million views.

our aim is to make a video of every bb gun we still have a long way to go but we do have most of the popular guns already done.

over the next few weeks we will add some more and also do a shop and warehouse tour thats been asked for by lots of you. its just finding the time to do it as mostly we are packing and talking on the phones to our lovely customers.

before i go if there is any products you want dom to review just add a comment on any of the videos we have on you tube as we do check and read the comments and we try and do the most asked for first

here is a link to our channel

Happy shooting!!!

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