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- Open Face Balaclava - green
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- One Size Fits All
- 100% Cotton
- Ideal for Colder Games
- Works As A Degree Of Ear/Mouth Protection
This is a nice, simply balaclava made from complete cotton, it feels comfortable
to wear and also fits pretty much all sizes of players very nicely - This is ideal
for those of you who want to keep playing airsoft throughout the winter as things
get slightly colder in England during those months!
The balaclava will also help to break up the shape of your face when you are taking
cover, and will act as a slight degree of ear/face protection - balaclavas are ideal
for those players who wear helmets, they help to protect your face without meaning
you need to wear a full mask which often impairs your visibility as it prevents you
looking straight down!
This version is the single hole version - while this does mean you need to breathe through
the material itself, it also means that your mouth is slightly more protected than when using
the 3 Hole version.
(This balaclava is in OD, meaning it is more suited to outdoor use as it will help you
blend better with your surroundings)
Sku :
bal-op-greenProduct Reviews
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