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New stock for May
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onNew stock for may will include a big shipment around the third week of may of some y&p gas pistols and spring pistols. and a restock of the popular blackviper LS m9 gbb pistol. also on this shipment will be some new exploding bb pellets from blackviper and a host of new gbb pistols from we ,kjw and some others but they are mostly in full black so they are for ukara members only.
some new stuff thats in stock now includes the galaxy g35 sniper rifle also a new galaxy pistol called the g33 and 4 more galaxy pistols in gold.
new nurpol co2 capsules and some big crossbows. there is also a restock of some older cheap spring rifles and pistols that we have not had in some time but the list is to long to put here but they are in stock on the site now.
around the 18th of may we have around 6 or 7 new black sniper rifles from well coming on to the site and a restock of the well mb01 in army green.
also on this shipment will be some bb pellets from rocket in bio and normal style and some smart gas in 1000ml cans
i will add more to this list as i get time
happy shooting...